Antony Antoniou

Antony Antoniou

Director 0 properties
Address: Regents Pavillion, 4 Summerhouse Road, Moulton Park, Northampton NN3 6BJ 01604 801012 - 07564 161436 - - Company Number 12806004 Registered in England
Phone: +357 99 483159

Company: Trellows International
Office Number: +44 1604 801012
Office Address: Regents Pavillion, 4 Summerhouse Road, Moulton Park, Northampton NN3 6BJ 01604 801012 - 07564 161436 - - Company Number 12806004 Registered in England


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Antony Antoniou MAPD, has been involved in property for over two decades, in developing, sales and rental. With an inherent love of property and a comprehensive knowledge of Northampton and the surrounding area, he is well placed to deal with all aspects of the sales process, from sourcing, valuing, marketing and sales progression.
Antony has a Master’s in Professional Development, which reflects on his entire outlook. He constantly seeks to learn, improve and inspire in others.
With core skills in Social Media and Digital Marketing, a passion for attention to detail and customer service, he ensures that his clients will always receive the professional service that they would naturally expect from a luxury property expert. Antony is very active on Social Media and has a massive network, with over 18,000 connections on Linkedin and over 7,000 followers on Twitter, he can generate all the exposure that is required.

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